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Geographisches Institut

Gender and Space

The summer school "Gender and Space" - co-organised by several GIUZ members - gathered 100 students and lecturers around a number of activities and themes for taking stock of the trajectories and directions of feminist geographies. One of the activities inspired a blogpost on gender and space in the neoliberal academy.

Summerschool Gender and Space

Blog post in Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, November 29, 2018

Summer school "Gender and Space", September 10-14, 2018, Herzberg, Switzerland

Brief report on the summer school

The summer school was sponsored by Fachbereich Gender Studies, University of Zurich (UZH); Graduate Campus, UZH; Department of Geography, UZH; Institute of Geography, University of Bern; Mittelbauvereinigung Universität Bern; Vereinigung Akademischer Mittelbau der Universität Zürich (VAUZ); UZH Alumni; Journal "Gender, Place & Culture".
