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Department of Geography Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA)

Mini Symposium at the IEM

on epidemics, space & inequality – past and present. 
The symposium was held at the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine (IEM) organized by PD Dr. Kaspar Staub. 

Epidemics, space and inequality – past and present

BSc Inga Birkhölzer (Department of Geography, University of Zurich) presented her MSc thesis research “Re- constructing the 1855 Cholera Outbreak in Basel using Geographic Information Visualisation.”, and 

Prof. Dr. Sara Fabrikant (Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich) presented on “Geovisual analytics of health data: Opportunities and hurdles in space and time.”


  • Epidemics, space  inequality – past and present

    Inga Birkhölzer

  • Epidemics, space and inequality – past and present

    PD Dr. Kaspar Staub und Inga Birkhölzer
