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Department of Geography Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA)

Ongoing Studies

Welcome to the Online Research Participation Resource (GIVARES) at the UZH Department of Geography

The aim of this online resource is to inform everyone interested in science about ongoing empirical studies at the GIVA group. We do research indoors in a controlled lab, and/or outdoors in the real world. Our scientific work would not be possible without the engagement of countless study participants and volunteers like you! 

So why participate in an empirical study? You will directly contribute to scientific discoveries related to geographic information visualization, visual analytics, behavioral geography, spatial cognition research, etc. We study a wide range of visual displays and tools ranging from large immersive wall displays to small, dynamic maps on mobile devices. Your input will foster knowledge discovery and will support the development of useful geographic information visualizations and usable technologies. You will interact with novel visualization tools and/or cutting edge empirical research equipment. You will gain insights into how research is actually done. You will be interacting with friendly GIVA staff and students. In short, it is fun to engage in ongoing state-of-the art research together with engaged researchers!

Important Information
Did we further raise your interest to participate in a GIVA study? Have a look at ongoing projects in the table below. Please write an email to the respective contact person to participate in a study.

Should you decide to participate in a study, please understand that your participation is absolutely voluntary.  You are free to omit answers to any questions for any reason. You are also free to withdraw your consent and discontinue the experiment at any time.

Should you need to change or cancel an already made appointment, we kindly ask you to inform the study contact person at least 48 hours before the meeting time.

Research at the GIVA group is inherently related to gaining insights into human thought and behavior in the context of geographic information visualization and geographic information technologies. For this reason, empirical studies with participants is essential for our research.

GIVA researchers are committed to respecting and protecting civil and human rights, as well as freedom of inquiry and expression in academic research and scientific publications. We ground our research on the ethics code of the  American Psychological Association and of the "Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychologen". These codes provide a common set of principles and standards upon which researchers in psychology build their professional and scientific work with study participants. 

GIVA group members are thus personally committed to thrive for research integrity; to encourage and support research integrity with student researchers, supervisees, employees, and colleagues; and to consult with others concerning potentially arising ethical issues. For any further inquiries regarding research integrity please contact the respective  ombadsperson at the UZH

Current Study

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Outdoor navigation with mobile map

May 2024 - Octobre 2024

You will complete three sessions over three days in one week, each lasting ca. 120 minutes.

You will be compensated with 60 CHF.

You need to be between 18 and 65 years old, healthy, have normal or corrected (contact lenses only) to normal vision, and be able to comprehend English.

Flyer Study

If you have any questions related to this study, please contact:

Join the Study
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