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Department of Geography Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA)

International Cartographic Conference 2019

Strong showing of GIVA at the International Cartographic Conference held from July 15 - 20, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan. 

In the Waldo Tobler memorial session, Sara Fabrikant, Aileen Buckley, Menno-Jan Kraak,Timothy Trainor, and Harold Moellering put the scientific work of Waldo Tobler in the spotlight. The session led to great discussions and new inspiring research questions for the community.

In the conference presentation track, Sara Fabrikant presented the results of Michelle Korporaal's Master thesis. In her work How are map-based decisions influenced by uncertainty visualization in risky and time-critical situations?, she could show that decision-making processes were different when slope uncertainty was depicted.

A way how cartographers might better understand how people make decisions with maps is to create new research tools for the community. Tumasch Reichenbacher presented A tool for generating testable pop-out effects in geovisual displays. We are looking forward to see the first prototype.

Tumasch Reichenbacher also presented at the Mobile Map UX workshop. In his lightning talk  Re-visiting Fundamental Principles of Mobile Cartography, Tumasch Reichenbacher outlined the major research challenges regarding user experience design for mobile cartography. 

Waldo Tobler Memorial Session ICC2019
