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Department of Geography Economic Geography

Nationale Konferenz - Bezahlte Arbeit in Schweizer Privathaushalten. Situation und Zukunftsperspektiven

The National Conference Paid Work in Swiss Households was co-organised by the Economic Geography Working Group at the University of Zurich and the Denknetz working group “Prekarität”. It provides a platform for scholars, experts and activists to discuss timely developments and issues in the field of paid work at private households: its status quo, legal framework and imminent future. Regarding the scientific exploration of 24-hour care, the bi-lingual conference includes presentations of the results of the Swiss National Science Foundation project "Care Markets", which was conducted by Karin Schwiter, Huey-Shy Chau und Katharina Pelzelmayer.
Friday 12 May 2017, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, room LAB F15
