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Department of Geography Geographic Information Systems

New citizen science project

How to make the city smarter and more inclusive with and for citizens?
Recently we won a new Citizen Science project in collaboration with the City of Zurich starting in 2023.


How to make the city smarter and more inclusive with and for citizens? 

The project will be a collaboration between the University of Zurich (Dr. Hoda Allahbakhshi, Digital Society Initiative, and  Prof. Dr. Robert Weibel, Department of Geography, GIS unit) and  the department of the Mayor (PRD/Präsidialdepartement)the department of health and environment (GUD/Gesundheits- und Umweltdepartement)the Civil Engineering Office (TAZ/Tiefbauamt)the traffic section (DAV/Dienstabteilung Verkehr) and the office of Geomatics + Surveying (GeoZ/Geomatik + Vermessung)  

In our participatory citizen science project, with the help of web-based digital tools that allow for virtual inspections and measurements of accessibility features, we want to contribute to collecting and enriching accessibility information of the city of Zurich and investigate how accessible the city of Zurich is for persons with mobility impairments. Ultimately, we are interested in how the accessibility of people with mobility impairments can be optimized and individualized by using detailed information about spatial accessibility.  

more on this to follow
