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Department of Geography

#9: The "Geographie Alumni UZH" society: a platform for people interested in Geography

Since January 2020 the newly established society Geographie Alumni UZH (previously Geographisch-Ethnographische Gesellschaft Zürich GEGZ) has been a member of UZH Alumni, the umbrella organization of alumni organisations from all faculties and disciplines of the University of Zurich. 



Geographie Alumni UZH is a forum for all those interested in geography, both within and beyond the University of Zurich, and currently has about 280 members and offers an attractive program of lectures and excursions for alumni, members and students of the Department of Geography, as well as other people interested in geography. 

Communicating science and promoting young talents

Geographie Alumni UZH connects university, school and the public through its main purpose to communicate science in terms of lectures and excursions. Furthermore, the society engages in the promotion of young talents by funding research projects of MSc and PhD students as well as by awarding excellent, outstanding matura theses in geography. The exchange with other societies, research institutes as well as professional organizations creates synergies as well as personal contacts among students, geography alumni and other interested persons.

Many benefits for members

As Geographie Alumni UZH is a member of the umbrella organisation UZH Alumni, its members can take advantage of a series of offers and benefits. The society also intends to collaborate with Science Alumni UZH. First consultations on this subject have already taken place.

We invite all geography students and members of the Department of Geography, as well as all geography alumni and other people interested in geography to join Geographie Alumni UZH and to participate in our activities. 


Esther Frei, Hans Rudolf Volkart


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Geographie Alumni UZH