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Maps and Findings

Map instructions

Our Life Quality Index is composed of 4 elements:

  • Proximity to public transport stops
  • Proximity to schools
  • Proximity to medical institutions
  • Proximity to grocery stores

Each theme can be chosen individually in the drop down menu. The combination of all criteria is the "Distance score".

The slider allows to change the intervall of interest for a value between 250m to 1000m. Each color represents how close is the cell to the point of interest. For an intervall of 500m for example, with the layer public transport stops, each color represent how close the point on the map is from a stop. Each color represent steps of 500m. Dark blue would be the closest, 500m, and the most yellow the furthest. In this case, the furthest point is situated at 2500m from the closest stop.
The distance score ranks the area from the best situated (6) to lowest (1).

By ticking the checkbox button "Visualise points", there is the possibility to visualise the points of interest for each criteria. This allows an easier understanding of the distance representation.

Non residential areas, such as the forest, lakes or rivers, have been covered as we are not interested to evaluate the connectivity of such regions.

The black border represents the outlines of the city of Zurich. Please, be careful with the interpretation of the results at the borders, as we did not consider data from outside our area of interest.

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Here, we will first look per category, then in the discussion part a general overview on the results is presented.

Medical Institutions

Everyone in Zurich has access to medical institutions within 1 km. Inhabitants have to go within city centers to find pharmacies or hospitals. Most inhabitants are situated within 500m but we can see some zones are are neglected: area between Hardbrücke and Altstetten, between Höngg and Wipkingen, between Affoltern and Oerlikon or between Enge and Wollishofen. The buildings in the city or forest borders are also apart.

Grocery stores

Groceries stores are globally well distributed within Zurich: Most of inhabitants are within 500m from a store, and all are within 750m.


Most children are living within 500m from an institution, all are within 750m, except the residential area at the west of the zoo.

Public transport stops

Each inhabitant of Zurich lives within the range of 500m from a public transport stop, and most people are even within the 250m distance. This seems to show that Zurich transport system has a good coverage.