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Department of Geography Labour Geography


  • Call for contributions for the conference: Work and Social Justice: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age

    The Swiss Labour Research Network LABORIS and the community WORK of the Digital Society Initiative DSI invite you to submit a contribution for their conference on Work and Social Justice in the Digital Age on 13 December 2024 at the University of Zurich. Deadline for submissions is 13 September 2024.

  • Screening of “The Invisible – Modern Slavery in Europe” (2023) with Nora Komposch

    On March 25, 2024, the Feminist Geographies group of the ASG invites you to a documentary film screening, which begins with a guided tour of the Feminist Strike House and is followed by an open discussion and an apéro.

  • DSI work community movie night

    On February 21, 2024 the DSI Community Work invites you to the screening of the film documentary "The Driven Ones" directed by Piet Baumgartner.

  • We live in a time crisis

    How much time can we devote to our work? How much time for unpaid work in the family and society, for oneself and the social environment? Labour geographer Karin Schwiter took part in a public panel discussion on the four-day week organised by the Polit Forum Bern: "Many people lack time for unpaid work, especially care work, in addition to gainful employment".

  • Videopodcast "Pflege grenzenlos"

    Karin Schwiter (Universität Zürich) und Sarah Schilliger (Universität Bern) im Gespräch mit Ruth Gurny von DENKNETZ zum Thema "Pflege grenzenlos"

  • Urban Platform Economies

    Sybille Bauriedl, Anke Strüver and Karin Schwiter have been awarded a trinational research grant by the German, the Austrian and the Swiss National Research Foundations for their project "Urban Platform Economies: Transformations of labour and intersectional inequalities in care services (TICS)“. From 2022 to 2025, they will build on feminist geographies as a theoretical framework to explore how the rise of the digitally mediated care services in the platform economy transform everyday lives and inequalities the cities of Hamburg, Vienna and Zurich

  • Faire Arbeitsbedingungen in der Gig-Economy

    Zürcher Reinigungs­arbeiterinnen gründeten Autonomía, die erste selbst­verwaltete Platt­form­ko­opera­tive für Reinigungs­kräfte in der Schweiz. Die Arbeits­geo­graphinnen Marisol Keller und Karin Schwiter nahmen in Medien­beiträgen dazu Stellung.

  • Junge Männer in geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen

    Marisol Keller hat im neu erschienenen Buch „Zeitdiagnose Männlichkeiten Schweiz“ einen Beitrag mit dem Titel «Du bist ein Mann, du hast schon bessere Chancen.» Wie junge Männer Privilegierung in geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen verhandeln. verfasst. Das Buch bündelt Forschungsbeiträge zu Männlichkeit(en) in der Schweiz.

  • Handbuch Feministische Geographien

    Karin Schwiter collaborated as an editor and author in this recently published book by the Autor*innenkollektiv Geographie und Geschlecht.

  • Decent Care without Decent Work?

    Karin Schwiter, Jennifer Steiner and their collaboration partners published a book with key findings of their project on live-in care. The book examines how the commodification and formalization of live-in care work is gradually affecting the public understanding of decent work and decent care.

  • Artikel zu Live-in-Betreuung unter Corona

    Karin Schwiter und Anahi Villalba haben in der Zeitschrift «Die Volkswirtschaft» des Schweizer Staatssekretariats für Wirtschaft (SECO) einen Artikel über Live-in-Betreuung  unter Corona publiziert.