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Department of Geography Labour Geography

Screening of “The Invisible – Modern Slavery in Europe” (2023) with Nora Komposch

On March 25, 2024, the Feminist Geographies group of the ASG invites you to a documentary film screening, which begins with a guided tour of the Feminist Strike House and is followed by an open discussion and an apéro.

Engaged Geographers

The documentary follows the everyday life of migrant harvest workers in Huelva, southern Spain, and sheds light on the highly precarious working and living conditions. The screening will begin with a tour of the Feminist Strike House and is followed by an open discussion and apéro. We are delighted to welcome Nora Komposch from the University of Bern as a discussant. Nora collaborated in the documentary and is researching working conditions and reproductive health impacts in the respective context.

Montag, 25.03.2024, 17:45 Uhr
Referent:in: Nora Komoposch, University of Bern
Reihe: The Feminist Geographies Group of the ASG (Link)
Ort: Feminist Strike House (Sihlquai 115, 8005 Zurich)
Veranstalter: Labour Geography, Department of Geography
Kontakt: Christiane Meyer-Habighorst