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Department of Geography Hydrology and Climate

Former Group Members

Name Position in H2K Research Area Period in H2K Current Position/Institute                       
Jana Erdbrügger PhD Student Groundwater Gradients, Soil Moisture and Stream Mapping in a Boreal Landscape 2017-2024

Project Engineer at Basler & Hofmann

Anna Senoner PostDoc Identification of flood processes and uncertainty quantification in hydrological models for Alpine rivers with Bayesian and data-driven methods 2014-2021

Meteo Swiss & Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) ETH Zürich

Personal Website

Fabian Maier PhD Student Effects of soil and vegetation development on surface hydrological characteristics of moraines in the Swiss Alps 2018-2022 Geoscientist at Nagra (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste)
Leonie Kiewiet PhD Student Searching for the Source Using Shallow Groundwater Chemistry to Determine the Sources of Streamflow in a Pre-Alpine Catchment 2016 to 2020

Project Engineer TBF + Partner AG, Zurich

Kirsti Hakala PhD Student Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology - Informing the design of the modeling chain and supporting adaptation 2016 to 2020 PostDoc Position at the University of Melbourne
Barbara Strobl PhD Student Quality of Crowdsourced Water Level Observations 2016 to 2020 Public relations and science communication for GHGA (The German Human Genome-Phenome Archive)                                                             
Simon Etter PhD Student Motivations of Citizen Scientists, the Accuracy and the Potential of Crowd-Based Data for Hydrological Model Calibration. 2016 to 2020 Allianz Suisse Insurance
Ling Wang PhD Student Intelligent Sampling for Event-Based Hydrological Modelling 2014 to 2019  
Nena Griessinger

External PhD Student


Relevance of Snowmelt Processes for Cold Region Hydrology - from Measurements to Models 2015 to 2019  

Sandra Pool

PhD Student

Value of Hydrograph Characteristics or Single Discharge Observations in Hydrological Modeling

2015 to


PostDoc Position at EAWAG
Manuela Brunner PhD Student Catchment- and event-type specific synthetic design hydrographs 2015 to 2018

Assistant professor forHydrology & Climate Impacts in Mountain Regions, ETH Zürich

Personal website

Tracy Ewen Senior Scientist Research and teaching in hydrology and climate sciences 2009 to 2017 Center for Climate Systems Modelling
Manuel Antonetti

External PhD Student


Runoff generation during heavy rainfall events: integrating expert knowledge about dominant runoff processes in conceptual hydrological models 2014 to 2017

Institute of Natural Resource Sciences   at the ZHAW

Hamouda Dakhlaoui Visiting PostDoc Impact of climate change on water resources 2017 Researcher and Lecturer at University Tunis El Manar and University of Carthage
Benjamin Fischer PhD Student Spatial and temporal runoff generation processes in a Swiss pre-Alpine headwater catchment 2009 to 2016 PostDoc Position at Stockholm University
Nans Addor PhD Student Impacts of climate change on discharge in switzerland: cascading uncertainties and robustness in models 2012 to 2015 Fathom, Bristol, UK
Michael Rinderer PhD Student Assessing key controls of catchment functioning by investigating distributed groundwater dynamics, hydrological connectivity and runoff response on different spatial scales 2010 to 2015 Project Leader for Natural Hazard Management at Geo7
Philipp Schneider PostDoc Alpine groundwater and snowhydrology 2012 to 2016  
Michal Jenizec Visiting PostDoc Impact of seasonal snowpack on droughts 2015 Researcher and Lecturer at Charles University in Prague
Käthi Liechti

External PhD Student


Uncertainty propagation in operational flash flood forecasting systems 2009 to 2012 Researcher at WSL