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Department of Geography Geography Teacher Training

Geographies of Young People and Education

Geographies of Young People and Education
A group of students at a school event in Zurich (photo: Itta Bauer)

Our research group uses a critical human geography approach to study various issues concerning the geographies of young people, such as their every-day experiences and educational transitions. By drawing on the social realities of young people, we intend to understand broader questions relating to social change and inequalities in Switzerland.

Currently, we work on a SNSF-research project that studies young people’s transition to Gymnasium and the role of private and public supplementary learning programs in Zurich (SNSF, 192207, 2021-2024). Methodologically, we adopt a qualitative research design including ethnographic studies of young people and their families during the transition process that particularly includes the voices of youth. For a comprehensive overview of the field of educational transitions, however, it is also necessary to study educational policy, media coverage on educational issues as well as private and non-private suppliers of preparation courses, as these actors are shaping the thriving educational transition market at the threshold to Gymnasium. With our research we make a contribution to a rich database which is necessary to critically encounter and actively shape educational transitions to the benefit of future generations of students in Switzerland. 

Group leaders

Dr. Itta Bauer
Dr. Sara Landolt

Group members

Lara Landolt (PhD student)
Carlotta Reh (PhD student)

Belongs to the organizational unit

Geography Teacher Training