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Department of Geography Geographic Information Systems

Mobility Analytics

  • Mobility Analytics

    MOASIS Study

    Keeping active in later life keeps you healthy. MOASIS is a study conducted by UZH to examine how older people live and the effect this has on their fitness levels and well-being. The message is clear: use it or lose it.

  • A conceptual framework for developing dashboards for big mobility data

    A conceptual framework for developing dashboards for big mobility data

  • GPS-Derived Daily Mobility and Daily Well-Being in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

    GPS-Derived Daily Mobility and Daily Well-Being in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

  • Assessing the Transferability of Physical Activity Type Detection Models: Influence of Age Group Is Underappreciated

    Indoor landmark selection for route communication: the influence of route-givers’ social roles and receivers’ familiarity with the environment

  • Value of incorporating geospatial information into the prediction of on-street parking occupancy – A case study

    Value of incorporating geospatial information into the prediction of on-street parking occupancy – A case study

  • Mobility Analytics

    The influence of artificial illumination on nocturnal bird migration patterns.

Over the past two decades, GNSS sensors have found their way onto a wide variety of everyday devices. Today, GNSS-based navigation devices are standard in cars and every smartphone has a GNSS sensor as well as other sensors that can measure motion, such as accelerometers. Such sensors are used, for example, in the well-known fitness apps. In our group we use such sensor data, not only from smartphones, but also from special devices that are e.g. placed on animals in the wild to study their movements and thus their behavior.

While we focus our research primarily on the development of computational methods, we also collaborate closely with domain specialists from application sciences, most prominently gerontopsychology and health sciences, animal ecology, and transportation.

Mobility and Health
Project MOASIS

UZH Research Priority Program “Dynamics of Healthy Aging”


Project MOBITEC-Stroke 

Project ZuriACT 

Animal Ecology and Behavior
In recent years, the focus of our collaborations has been primarily on issues of bird migration.

Sample publications: 

Project “Track & Know” 

Sample publications: 

Group Members
Prof. Dr. Robert Weibel
Dr. Hoda Allahbakhshi
Dr. Cheng Fu
Dr. Peter Ranacher
Dr. Zhiyong Zhou
Alexandra Georgescu:
( PhD project: Spatial Accessibility Modelling for Inclusive Mobility)
Changyu Han:
 ( PhD project: Modeling restorative places from daily mobility data to explore functions of healthy aging )
Simon Hirschhofer:
( PhD project: The influence of artificial illumination on nocturnal bird migration patterns 

Belongs to organizational unit
Geographic Information Systems