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Department of Geography Remote Sensing of Water Systems


08.12.2017 New Publication

A new paper by Yao Zhang et al. with contributions by Eugénie Paul-Limoges on On the relationship between sub-daily instantaneous and daily total gross primary production: Implications for interpreting satellite-based SIF retrievals was published in Remote Sensing of Environment.

16.10.2017 New publication

A new paper by Dominic Fawcett et al. with contributions by Alexander Damm on Advancing retrievals of surface reflectance and vegetation indices over forest ecosystems by combining imaging spectroscopy, digital object models,and 3D canopy modelling was published in Remote Sensing of Environment.

01.10.2017 New staff

Eugenie Paul-Limoges

We warmly welcome Dr. Eugenie Paul-Limoges, a new PostDoc in our group. Eugenie will work on strategies to combine light and gas exchange measurements.