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Department of Geography Political Geography

Workshop: Thinking Futures from Elsewhere

The workshop “Thinking Futures from Elsewhere” organised by Sidharthan Maunaguru and Benedikt Korf at Collegium Helveticum invited scholars to engage future/s conceptually and ethnographically by bringing temporal and spatial axes along with the notions of vulnerability, fragility, unknown, uncertainty, frontiers, limits and thresholds.

Workshop: Thinking Futures from Elsewhere
Flyer: Thinking Futures from Elsewhere

The event brought together more than 15 scholars from anthropology, geography, cultural studies, philosophy and literary studies from Europe, South Asia, and the USA.


Workshop: Collegium Helveticum, 7 and 8 March 2023
Organisers: Sidharthan Maunaguru and Benedikt Korf

Program for more details (PDF, 738 KB)

