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Department of Geography Geographic Information Systems

Alexandra-Ioana Georgescu
Alexandra-Ioana Georgescu

Geographic Information Systems

Room number: Y25 J 92


2022 – present

University of Zurich, GIS Unit; Digital Society Initiative (DSI)
PhD in Geographic Information Science
Research topic: Spatial Accessibility Modelling for Inclusive Mobility

2021 University of Zurich M.Sc. in Geography, specialized in Geographic Information Science
Master thesis: Optimising locations for future return carsharing services: case study of the Swiss carsharing cooperative Mobility
2019 Lancaster University, UK
B.Sc. in Natural Sciences
Pathways studied: Geography, Mathematics and Physics

Research Interests

  • Accessibility
  • Mobility Analytics
  • Location Modelling
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Geographic Visualisation
  • Health Geography


“Spatial Accessibility Modelling for Inclusive Mobility”, PhD concept presentation, 18.10.2022, Colloquium Geographic Information Science, University of Zurich

“Perceptions on the changes in the urban environment of mobility impaired people and older adults”, Digital Society Initiative (DSI) Mobility Workshop, 30 June – 1 July 2022, Maienfeld, Switzerland

PhD Project

Spatial Accessibility Modelling for Inclusive Mobility
My PhD project is embedded in Dr. Hoda Allahbakhshi DIZH-funded «SISAL: Situation-Aware Individualized Spatial Accessibility Analytics» research project, which aims to use digital geographical, environmental, and sensor tracking data to lay the basis for creating individualised, situation aware spatial accessibility profiles with novel digital technologies and AI analysis tools.

Spatial accessibility refers to how easily destinations such as services or places of social interaction can be reached from a certain geospatial location through movement in physical space. The physical space and built environment, as well as other contextual factors (e.g., weather conditions) play a significant role in the accessibility of different population groups, such as older adults and mobility-impaired people. Mobility is crucial for one’s quality of life. The presence of barriers to outdoor mobility for people with mobility restrictions can impact their social life and decrease their participation in other activities such as physical activity. Therefore, it presents a risk factor for physical and mental problems. The overarching aim of my PhD project is to investigate the effects of varying capacities of individuals, as well as the effects of heterogeneity in the environmental context on spatial accessibility patterns and behaviour, using the city of Zurich as the study area. The main methods used in this project will be path finding algorithms and impedance functions, simulations such as agent-based models as well as qualitative data collection and analysis methods. Supervisors: Dr. Hoda Allahbakhshi, Prof. Dr. Robert Weibel