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In case a presentation date is without chair a week before, the colloquium does not take place. The presence at the physical geography colloquium is obligatory during the master thesis semester. There is a maximum of 3 presentations per date possible.
Spring semester 2025, Tuesday, 10h15 - 12h00, room Y25-K-22
Date |
Speaker |
Degree |
Title |
Group |
Elena Santi
MSc in GEO
Springs in canton Thurgau
H2K |
Flurina Albin |
MSc in GEO
Time series of the nitrogen dynamics after fertilizer application in the topsoil
2B |
Ruben Kaufmann
MSc in GEO
Der Wandel im Wandel – aktuelle Erkenntnisse zum Klimawandel im Geographieunterricht an Maturitätsschulen
EClim / GTT |
25.03.2025 |
01.04.2025 |
Maurin Karzig |
MSc in GEO |
Dendrogeomorphic Analysis of the Influence of Landslides on the Growth of Picea abies (L.) Karst on an Alpine Slope near Elm, Canton of Glarus, Switzerland
15.04.2025 |
06.05.2025 | ||||
13.05.2025 | - |
reserve date, will be activated if necessary |
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27.05.2025 |
Fabienne Götschi
MSc in GEO
Entrainment processes in large high mountain cascading mass flows – Cases in Central Asia
Moritz Mock | MSc in GEO |
Entrainment processes in large high mountain cascading mass flows – Cases in Himalaya
Ladina Reich |
MSc in GEO
will be announced soon | 2B |