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Department of Geography

ERC Grants / SNSF Professorships: Call to identify and offer support to selected candidates

The Department of Geography (GIUZ) at the Faculty of Science of the University of Zurich is pleased to support candidates for grants that allow to lead an independent research project and team, equivalent to the level of an assistant professorship.

GIUZ recognises the value of such grants to early-career researchers, and the important role that the Department can play in providing support to candidates during both the grant writing process and as a hosting institution. We therefore aim to identify and offer support to selected candidates early in the grant writing process.

Potential grantees are asked to contact the Department of Geography at least six months before the submission deadline of the respective funding vessel as outlined below.

Applicants have an excellent track record. The University of Zurich has signed the DORA declaration, and values contributions to scientific research, teaching, supervision, science communication and services. Applicants wish to develop a research group at GIUZ, have research interests that build upon and complement existing research at GIUZ, and are prepared to involve themselves in Departmental activities (for example through contributions to teaching and service).

GIUZ is particularly interested in candidates whose proposed research matches GIUZ’s identified research priorities in Health Geography and Environmental Justice. Furthermore, GIUZ strongly encourages applicants to apply who would add to the diversity of the professorial staff at the Department.

Interested applicants
1.    Should check their eligibility for the respective grant.
2.    If eligible, submit the following as a single PDF.

  • A two-page motivation letter summarising the proposed research, the reasons for choosing GIUZ as a hosting institution, and outlining how the proposed research fits and complements GIUZ’s existing research clusters.
  • A Curriculum Vitae

For more information, please contact the Head of Department.