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Department of Geography

Airmiles working group: Who we are

The airmiles group is part of the GIUZ Sustainability Task Force and reports to the GIUZ Head of Infrastructure. The working group monitors and documents business air travels at GIUZ and defines and implements reduction goals for air travel at the department. The group consists of the following members (April 2024):

Prof. Dr. Michael Zemp (PHYS)
Rocco Bagutti (GIScience)
Dr. Isabelle Gärtner-Roer (PHYS)
Isabel Hagen (PHYS)
Dr. Roger Keller (HG+)
Ana Nap (PHYS)
Dr. Peter Ranacher (GIScience)
Dr. Annina Michel ( HG+)
Dr. Magdalena Seebauer (Communications Officer)
Dr. Leonard Creutzburg (Guest, UZH Sustainability Team)
Frank Hitzemann (Secretariat PHYS)
Karin Klein (Secretariat GIScience)
Regina Kohler (Secretariat GTT)
Corinne Wyss (Secretariat HG+)
Rita Ott und Sandra Altorfer (Secretariat RSL)
Shaun Jung und Lukas Japp (Support & Management)

Former contributors
Gregory Biland
Simona Di Vincenzo
Somara Gantenbein
Mina Karimi
Dr. Eugénie Paul-Limoges

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