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Department of Geography

Confidential advice

Problem at work: where to go for help?

In the first instance talk to your direct supervisor or superior.

If this is difficult, there are other places you can turn to:

- If you are a PhD student, talk to the Graduate School Coordinator confidentially.

- All GIUZ members can talk to one of our Confidential Advice Team.
Tasks (PDF, 140 KB)
Yvonne Scheidegger-Jung
Gary Seitz
Ilja van Meerveld

- If you need help resolving an issue with a superior, then the Head of Department is your point of contact.

- The University provides an Employee Assistance Office (MBS), who can give you confidential, independent advice.

- The Faculty of Science has an Ombudsperson ("Person of trust") who you can consult.

Further information for doctoral students

Zurich Graduate School in Geography/Earth System Science: Help & Advice

GIUZ Statement of Professional Ethics

The Department of Geography strives to provide an equal and inclusive learning, working, and living environment and recognizes that this involves a variety of ethical considerations.
Endorsed by Departmental Assembly (Institutsversammlung) on 7 May 2020 and revised and extended on 06 June 2024.
Statement of Professional Ethics (PDF, 70 KB)

UZH Gender Equality and Diversity

The University of Zurich is committed to the active and systematic promotion of diversity and prevention of discrimination.

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With Each Other, For Each Other: at UZH we treat each other with respect and tolerance – regardless of age, disability, sex, gender identity, skin color, origin, religion, sexual orientation, social and professional status or language. These are the values to which we are all committed.

Suggestions box

Suggestions Box @GIUZ

Have you got an idea about how GIUZ can do something better?
Have you seen an example of something that works well that you want to share?
Or is something worrying you?

Use this box to pass on your suggestions directly to the Head of Department.

You find the box at the wall opposite the GIUZ office (next to room 25 K 9).
You can choose to give feedback anonymously about general issues, or add your name if you would like us to get back to you.