Dynamic changes of the AIDS mortality rate

AIDS mortality in Africa between 1991 and 2013

This is an overview of the whole African continent. It displays all African countries between the years of 1991 and 2013 with the corresponding AIDS mortality rate (deaths per thousand). We chose to present our data in 5 different buckets divided by the equal intervals methods. Like this, most countries fall into one category (the lowest one) and only a few raise above them, naturally attracting the focus of the spectators eye.

This map shows a few different trends:

  • Northern Africa seems to have no (or at least a lot less compared to other countries) urgent AIDS problems.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa is the global region that suffers the most under AIDS/HIV.
  • The "South-Creep": It appears as though the highest AIDS mortality rate creep towards the south during the observed timewindow.
  • The peak of the AIDS mortality rate seems to already have happend in 2003, with 12.7 deaths per thousand in Botswana / Simbabwe.

Selected County: Uganda and Kenya

Choropleth of Uganda/Kenya

AIDS death-rate graph of Uganda/Kenya

Basic HIV/AIDS info about Uganda and Kenya:

  • Kenya and Uganda have the joint fourth-largest HIV epidemic in the world (alongside Mozambique) in terms of the number of people living with HIV, which was 1.5 million people per country in 2015.
  • HIV prevalence has fallen to 5.9% in 2015 from over 10% in 1996 in Kenya, while in Ugnada its still lurking around 7%

Source: Kenya AIDS facts

Source: Uganda AIDS facts

Selected Country: South Africa

Choropleth of South Africa

AIDS death-rate graph of South Africa

Basic HIV/AIDS info about South Africa:

  • With 7 million people living with HIV in South Africa as of today (2015), it has the biggest and most high profile HIV epidemic in the world
  • South Africa also has the largerst antiretroviral treatment (ART) programme globally, investing more than $1.5 billion annually
  • With 19.2% (strongly dependant on regions), its overall HIV prevalence unfortunately still remains high though
  • Betwween 2007 and 2010, the distribution of condoms increased by 60% to about 500 million a year. However, in recent years condom usage has fallen from 85% in 2008 to 68% in 2012.

Source: South Africa AIDS facts

Project of Geo 878 FS2017