Dynamic changes of the AIDS mortality rate

The Global Goals - For Sustainable Development

As a successor of the ‘Millennium Development Goals’, the Global Goals for Sustainable Development were worked out in 2015. Under the title ‘Transforming our World’ a broad intergovernmental agreement was decided by 193 Member states and global civil leaders. This 2030 Agenda for sustainable development contains 17 main goals with 169 concrete targets to tackle the issues of extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. The Global Goals for sustainable development are overseen by the United Nations and included in the United Nations Resolution of 2015.


Source: www.globalgoals.org

World AIDS Day

Don't forget to show your empathy to all those who suffer from HIV/AIDS at world AIDS day on 1st of December. Use #STOPAIDS to be part of the movement.


Source: https://www.worldaidsday.org/

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