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Chromic Luvisol

Location: Andes, Chile, 1000 m asl

Bt: dark brown color due to infiltration of clay. The corresponding overlying E-horizon has been eroded. Like in many arid mountain regions, the widespread Bt-horizons are relictic and were formed during a more humid former period, in this case during the Upper Pleistocene (about 20,000 years ago).

Cck: Accumulation of carbonates, which have been washed out from the Bt-horizon.

These soils are characterized by clay illuviation into the subsoil, forming an argillic B-horizon underlying an E-horizon. The classification into different soil types is due to the different CEC and base saturation. Acrisols have a base saturation below 50% and a lower CEC than Luvisols. A- and B-horizons are generally carbonate free.


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