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Department of Geography

ZORA: How to deposit your publications

ZORA (Zurich Open Repository and Archive) is the primary directory of publications by researchers at the University of Zurich and provides access to the full texts. Once a publication has been uploaded to ZORA, it can be used in a variety of ways and via various interfaces.

Enter publications in ZORA once – reuse several times!

Content published in ZORA


Legal Information about ZORA

Procedure for all GIUZ researchers

  • When the publication is published, send the accepted manuscript as PDF to (The last version that the authors wrote in their layout and that was accepted for publication by the publisher. Please remove the line numbering in the word document).
  • If the copyright situation allows, send us the published version in the layout of the publisher.
  • Please provide short bibliographic data and the information if the article was reviewed or not.
  • When the publication is deposited in ZORA, you will receive a feedback.

Copyrightangaben (PDF, 26 KB)

Please deposit your publications in ZORA continuously, when they are first published by the publisher. In this way, delays can be avoided and timely delivery to the UZH annual reports is ensured.

For further information and questions please contact  Hanna Britt 044 635 47 94.

Weiterführende Informationen

ZORA procedure for GIUZ researchers

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