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Publications recently added to ZORA
Publications recently added to ZORA
ZORA Publication List
Edlinger, Anna; Herzog, Chantal; Garland, Gina; Walder, Florian; Banerjee, Samiran; Keel, Sonja G; Mayer, Jochen; Philippot, Laurent; Romdhane, Sana; Schiedung, Marcus; Schmidt, Michael W I; Seitz, Benjamin; Wüst‐Galley, Chloé; van der Heijden, Marcel G A (2025).
Compost application enhances soil health and maintains crop yield: insights from 56 farmer‐managed arable fields.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 4(1):e70041.
Dimitrakou, Ifigeneia; Ren, Julie (2025).
Critical geographies of $everyday$ $crisis$.
City:Epub ahead of print.
Hilbrandt, Hanna; Ren, Julie (2025).
Reworking relations of epistemological authority in teaching collaborations.
City:Epub ahead of print.
Verdone, Matteo; van Meerveld, Ilja; Massari, Christian; Penna, Daniele (2025).
Variability and temporal stability of throughfall along a hillslope.
Journal of hydrology, 647:132294.
Zhou, Jingyi; Shen, Jie; Fu, Cheng; Weibel, Robert; Zhou, Zhiyong (2025).
Quantifying indoor navigation map information considering the dynamic map elements for scale adaptation.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 136:104323.
Hilbrandt, Hanna; Ren, Julie (2025).
Doing urban geography in times of crisis: introduction to the forum “Urban geography in times of crisis”.
Geographica Helvetica, 80(1):23-29.
Bathla, Nitin (2025).
Authoritarian urbanism beyond the city: Infrastructure-led extended urbanisation and India’s more-than-neoliberal configurations.
Urban Studies:Epub ahead of print.
Staudinger, Maria; Kauzlaric, Martina; Mas, Alexandre; Evin, Guillaume; Hingray, Benoit; Viviroli, Daniel (2025).
The role of antecedent conditions in translating precipitation events into extreme floods at the catchment scale and in a large-basin context.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 25(1):247-265.
Zélie, Stauffer; Hunziker, Marcel (2025).
Social acceptance of human–wildlife coexistence: a case study about the reintroduction of the large herbivore European bison (Bison bonasus) in Switzerland.
Restoration Ecology:e14373.
Otero, Iago; Keller, Roger; Deplazes-Zemp, Anna; Reynard, Emmanuel (2025).
Exploring the personal sphere of transformative change in researchers and stakeholders working on nature.
Ecosystems and People, 21(1):2436374.
Regassa, Asebe (2025).
Jirra : Oromo Protest Songs as Weapons of Resistance Against Domination in Ethiopia.
African Identities, 23(1):176-193.
Grafe, Fritz-Julius; Hilbrandt, Hanna; van der Haegen, Thilo (2025).
The financial ecologies of climate urbanism: Project preparation and the anchoring of global climate finance.
Journal of Urban Affairs, 47(1):19-34.
Fabrikant, Sara I (2025).
Neuroadaptive mobile geographic information displays: an emerging cartographic research frontier.
International journal of cartography, 11(1):93-109.
Aulenbacher, Brigitte; Palenga-Möllenbeck, Ewa; Schwiter, Karin (2025).
Unbegrenzt verfügbar – begrenzt verhandelbar.
WSI Mitteilungen, 78(1):38-46.
Kamundala, Gabriel (2025).
"ICI ON TRAVAILLE: The role of cooperatives in structuring social relations of production in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Eastern DRC.
Journal of rural studies, 113:103483.
van Meerveld, Ilja; Seibert, Jan (2025).
Reforestation effects on low flows: Review of public perceptions and scientific evidence.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 12(1):e1760.
Meiller, Carmen; Hueni, Andreas; Furrer, Reinhard; Schmid, Bernhard; Santos, Maria J (2025).
Uncertainties in field spectroscopy: operator and setup induced effects on spectral radiance measurements.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 18:584-606.
Kurath, Dave; van Moorsel, Sofia J; Klaver, Jolanda; Voortman, Tis; Siegfried, Barbara; Brügger, Yves-Alain; Moradi, Abobakr; Czyż, Ewa A; de La Harpe, Marylaure; Wiesenberg, Guido L B; Schaepman, Michael E; Schuman, Meredith C (2025).
Leaf spectroscopy reveals drought response variation in Fagus sylvatica saplings from across the species’ range.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 130(2):e2024JG008404.
Gaspari, Federica; Barbieri, Federico; Fascia, Rebecca; Ioli, Francesco; Pinto, Livio; Migliaccio, Federica (2025).
Strategies for Glacier Retreat Communication with 3D Geovisualization and Open Data Sharing.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 14(2):75.
Ward, Callum; Brill, Frances; Deruytter, Laura; Pike, Andy (2024).
Local state financialisation: future research directions for an emergent conjuncture.
Finance and Space, 1(1):318-339.
Baer, Manuel F; Wartmann, Flurina; Fagerholm, Nora; Purves, Ross S (2024).
Extracting sensory experiences and cultural ecosystem services from actively crowdsourced descriptions of everyday lived landscapes.
Ecosystems and People, 20(1):2331761.
Carraha, Javiera; García, Juan-Luis; Nussbaumer, Samuel U; Fernández-Navarro, Hans; Gärtner-Roer, Isabelle (2024).
Late Pleistocene to Holocene glacial, periglacial, and paraglacial geomorphology of the upper Río Limarí basin (30–31° S) in the Andes of central Chile.
Journal of Maps, 20(1):2329179.
Bathla, Nitin (2024).
Producing New India: periodising India’s infrastructure-led extended urbanisation.
Economic and Political Weekly, 59(52):37-44.
Scheller, Mirjam.
Quality and Use of Temporary Stream States Observed by Citizen Scientists.
2024, University of Zurich, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät.
Kazemi Beydokhti, Mohammad; Duckham, Matt; Griffin, Amy L; Tao, Yaguang; Purves, Ross; Vasardani, Maria (2024).
Probabilistic qualitative spatial reasoning with applications to GeoQA.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science:Epub ahead of print.
Zhou, Zhiyong; Fu, Cheng; Weibel, Robert (2024).
SpaGAN: A spatially-aware generative adversarial network for building generalization in image maps.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 135:104236.
Raab, Gerald; Vieira, Gonçalo; Migoń, Piotr; Tikhomirov, Dmitry; Christl, Marcus; Egli, Markus; Scarciglia, Fabio (2024).
Multi-millennia surface dynamics: Novel investigation approach unveils climate relation to mountain erosion (Serra da Estrela, Portugal).
Geomorphology, 466:109416.
Duszyński, Filip; Waroszewski, Jarosław; Fenn, Kaja; Kacprzak, Andrzej; Jancewicz, Kacper; Egli, Markus (2024).
Cliff-foot sandy cones: A proxy to study the time frames, patterns and rates of sandstone caprock decay?.
Catena, 247:108529.
Waroszewski, Jarosław; Uzarowicz, Łukasz; Kasprzak, Marek; Egli, Markus; Loba, Aleksandra; Błachowski, Artur (2024).
Formation of placic horizons in soils of a temperate climate – The interplay of lithology and pedogenesis (Stołowe Mts, SW Poland).
Geoderma, 452:117118.
Van de Broek, Marijn; Riley, William J; Tang, Jinyun; Frey, Serita D; Schmidt, Michael W I (2024).
Thermal adaptation of enzyme‐mediated processes reduces simulated soil CO2 fluxes upon soil warming.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129(12):008619.
Wittmann, Michael; Mano, Raphael; Meyer-Habighorst, Christiane; André, Denise; Fünfgeld, Hartmut (2024).
Klimawandelbedingte psychosoziale Belastungen und wahrgenommene Anpassungskapazitäten bei Landwirtinnen und Landwirten.
Standort : Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie, 48(4):312-319.
Roeoesli, Claudia; Egli, Markus (2024).
Using historical data to access the surface subsidence in the vegetable belt of the Three Lakes Region, Switzerland.
Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 117(1):9.
Sadayappan, Kayalvizhi; Stewart, Bryn; Kerins, Devon; Vierbicher, Andrew; Zhi, Wei; Smykalov, Valerie Diana; Shi, Yuning; Vis, Marc J P; Seibert, Jan; Li, Li (2024).
BioRT‐HBV 1.0: A Biogeochemical Reactive Transport Model at the Watershed Scale.
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16(12):004217.
Edited by: Maloutas, Thomas; Myofa, Nikolina; Balampanidis, Dimitris; Dimitrakou, Ifigeneia (2024). Athen: Onassis Foundation.
37 Stories from the Athenian Apartment Blocks.
Castro-Vargas, Maria Soledad; Werner, Marion (2024).
El registro de plaguicidas, el capital y el Estado en Costa Rica: regulando desde el atasco.
Anuario / Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos, 15:1-40.
Yu, Qingshui; He, Chenqi; Anthony, Mark A; Schmid, Bernhard; Gessler, Arthur; Yang, Chen; Zhang, Danhua; Ni, Xiaofeng; Feng, Yuhao; Zhu, Jiangling; Zhu, Biao; Wang, Shaopeng; Ji, Chengjun; Tang, Zhiyao; Wu, Jin; Smith, Pete; Liu, Lingli; Li, Mai-He; Schaub, Marcus; Fang, Jingyun (2024).
Decoupled responses of plants and soil biota to global change across the world’s land ecosystems.
Nature Communications, 15(1):10369.
Niggli, Laura; Allen, Simon; Frey, Holger; Huggel, Christian; Petrakov, Dmitry; Raimbekova, Zhanar; Reynolds, John; Wang, Weicai (2024).
GLOF risk management experiences and options: a global overview.
In: Benouar, Djillali. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 013.540.
Gök, Deniz Tobias; Scherler, Dirk; Wulf, Hendrik (2024).
Land surface temperature trends derived from Landsat imagery in the Swiss Alps.
The Cryosphere, 18(11):5259-5276.
Deplazes-Zemp, Anna; Michel, Annina Helena; Oliveri, Timo; Schneiter, Rebecca; Thaler, Lucia; Backhaus, Norman (2024).
Natural processes and natureculture – A relational understanding of nature amongst local stakeholders in Swiss parks.
Ecosystems and People, 20(1):2421306.
Ettarfi, Khaoula (2024).
Professionalization from above in domestic work: Accessing work on marketplace platforms.
Critical sociology:Epub ahead of print.
Reh, Carlotta; Landolt, Sara (2024).
“We learn Latin, they learn to cook”: students', principals', and teachers' coproductions of exclusive public secondary schools.
Geographica Helvetica, 79(4):343-356.
Zhang, Heng.
Assessing Land-Water Linkage of Biodiversity Using Environmental DNA and Remote Sensing.
2024, University of Zurich, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät.
Helfenstein, Isabelle.
Towards Monitoring Biodiversity from Space.
2024, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.
Fernández-Navarro, Hans; García, Juan-Luis; Nussbaumer, Samuel U; Tikhomirov, Dmitry; Pérez, Francia; Gärtner-Roer, Isabelle; Christl, Marcus; Egli, Markus (2024).
10Be chronology of the Last Glacial Maximum and Termination in the Andes of central Chile: The record of the Universidad Glacier (34° S).
Quaternary Science Reviews, 344:108968.
Bishop, Kevin; Ameli, Ali; Grabs, Thomas; Laudon, Hjalmar; Amvrosiadi, Nino; Kolbe, Tamara; Seibert, Jan; van Meerveld, H J (2024).
Identifying subsurface connectivity from observations: Experimentation with equifinality defines both challenges and pathways to progress.
Hydrological Processes, 38(11):e15324.
Zhao, Yujin; Schmid, Bernhard; Zheng, Zhaoju; Wang, Yang; Wu, Jin; Wang, Yao; Chen, Ziyan; Zhao, Xia; Zhao, Dan; Zeng, Yuan; Bai, Yongfei (2024).
Remotely sensed variables predict grassland diversity better at scales below 1,000 km as opposed to abiotic variables that predict it better at larger scales.
Earth's Future, 12(11):e2024EF004648.
George, Mary Ann; Eppinga, Maarten Boudewijn; Ghazoul, Jaboury; Biju, Arathi; Fashid, V C; Haris, A S; Rejith, Krishnadas; Fernandes, Saniya Liz; Rajan, Vandana; Santos, Maria J (2024).
Influence of livelihood assets on biodiversity and household food security in tropical homegardens along urbanisation gradients.
Environmental Research Letters, 19(11):114049.
Hanus, Sarah; Burek, Peter; Smilovic, Mikhail; Seibert, Jan; Viviroli, Daniel (2024).
Seasonal variability in the global relevance of mountains to satisfy lowland water demand.
Environmental Research Letters, 19(11):114078.
Ettarfi, Khaoula (2024).
Conceptualizing labor agency through resilience: Practices of reassembling work on domestic services platforms.
Geoforum, 156:104130.
García, Juan-Luis; Carraha, Javiera; Fernández-Navarro, Hans; Nussbaumer, Samuel U; Pérez, Francia; Hidy, Alan J; Gärtner-Roer, Isabelle; Haeberli, Wilfried (2024).
Glacial to periglacial transition at the end of the last ice age in the subtropical semiarid Andes.
Geomorphology, 465:109379.
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