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Department of Geography Geocomputation

Visit of Prof. Dr. Margaret Awuor Owuor from the Wyss Academy for Nature

On Wednesday 13th March we hosted Prof Dr. Margaret Awuor Owuor from the Wyss Academy for Nature with affiliation to the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern.

Visit of Prof. Dr. Margaret Awuor Owuor from the Wyss Academy for Nature

Margaret took us through her research past, present and future in the lens of biodiversity, ecosystems, ecosystem services and direct and indirect drivers of change. Her research which has focused on landscapes in Kenya (mangroves and freshwater wetlands) with a recent study in Brazil using ecosystem services/natures contribution approaches emphasized the need for an integrative approach to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation through including local communities in the research phases. Margaret also presented the research of her new team at the Wyss Academy that is looking at Biodiversity Governance, Nature based solution for conservation of biodiversity and water and adopting blue carbon as a finance option for improving livelihoods and funding of management and conservation areas.

For more details, see:

  • Owuor, M. A., Santos, T. M., Otieno, P., Mazzuco, A. C. A., Iheaturu, C. J., & Bernardino, A. F. (2024). Flow of mangrove ecosystem services to coastal communities in the Brazilian Amazon. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12(1329006).

  • Owuor, M. A., Mulwa, R., Otieno, P., Icely, J., & Newton, A. (2019). Valuing mangrove biodiversity and ecosystem services: A deliberative choice experiment in Mida Creek, Kenya. Ecosystem Services, 40, 101040.

  • Lynch, A. J., Hyman, A. A., Cooke, S. J., Capon, S. J., Franklin, P. A., Jähnig, S. C., ... & Tickner, D. (2023). Future-proofing the emergency recovery plan for freshwater biodiversity. Environmental Reviews.