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Department of Geography

Boost for polar research

The University of Zurich will become a new member and funder of the Swiss Polar Institute from 1 January 2021. The collaboration further boosts polar and remote high-altitude research.


"UZH becoming an official member of the SPI will push and ease collaboration and exchange within the Swiss polar science community. Given the ongoing rapid changes in polar regions, it is important to give polar research here at UZH more weight and strengthen it and crucially to be more formally involved in shaping the future of polar science in Switzerland”, says Andreas Vieli, Professor at the Department of Geography.

News release, November 10, 2020



Weiterführende Informationen

The Swiss Polar Institute supports science in polar and remote high-altitude regions by supplying specialised services. It acts as a focal point for the Swiss polar community through the organisation of scientific expeditions and customised funding for logistics and field work. The SPI also supports public outreach activities towards the Swiss public.