prof. dr. michael zemp | world glacier monitoring service | university of zurich | switzerland







Research projects

From ice to microorganisms and humans: Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of climate change impacts on the Third Pole (PAMIR), research project funded by the Swiss Polar Institute, under the lead of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and the University of Fribourg, Switzerland: 2022-2024. SPI Flagship Initiatives website

Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P), research project funded by EU Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2002, under the lead of Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam GeoFroschungsZentrum, Germany: 2020-2022. G3P website

Vanishing Glaciers - exploration of microbial life in glacier streams, research project funded by the NOMIS foundation, under the lead of the EPFL, Switzerland: 2018–ongoin. NOMIS website. EPFL website. Project website

Cryospheric Climate Services for improved Adaptation, research project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperations, under the lead of the University of Fribourg: 2017–2022.

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), 312b Lot 4 Land Hydrology and Cryosphere, service project funded by the European Commission, Pre-Operational Phase: 2019-2021. C3S website

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), 312a Lot 8 Glaciers, service project funded by the European Commission, Pre-Operational Phase: 2017-2018. C3S website

Promoting Sustainable Mountain Development for Global Change (SMD4GC), research project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperations, Phase 1: 2013–2017.

Environmental space geodesy: detection of changes in glacier mass from time-variable gravity (SPICE), a research project of the Space Research Institute in Graz, AT, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, 2015-2017.

Capacity Building and Twinning for Climate Observing Systems, research project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperations, Phase 1: 2011–2013; Phase 2: 2014–2016. CATCOS project description and website

Swiss GCOS credit for the long-term operation of the World Glacier Monitoring Service, funded by the Swiss GCOS Office at the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, since 2010. WGMS

Glacier Laserscanning Experiment Oberwallis, research project funded by Axpo, 2009–2012. GLAXPO

Findelgletscher Mass Balance Monitoring Programme, research project by Universities of Fribourg and Zurich, ongoing. FindelWiki

Continental-scale glacier variations in Europe (Alps, Scandinavia) and their connection to climate: past - present - future, 2007–2010.
Project website:

ESA Climate Change Initiative - Glaciers CCI, research project funded by the European Space Agency, 2010-2013. Project website: Glaciers_cci

GlobGlacier. ESA project, ongoing.
Project website:

Bridging-credit for the continuation and reorganisation of the World Glacier Monitoring Service. SNF project, 2007–2009.
Website of the World Glacier Monitoring Service:

Firn temperature measurements on Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa. Joint project of the Universities of Heidelberg and Zurich, field campaigns in 2006 and 2007.

Glaciers and climate change – spatio-temporal analysis of glacier fluctuations in the European Alps after 1850. PhD thesis. Michael Zemp. University of Zurich. EU research project, 2003–2006.
Project website:

Master & diploma theses

The Impacts of Glaciers on Stream Biofilm Biomass – An interdisciplinary Journey into a harsh Ecosystem. Master thesis by Martina Schön, University of Zurich & EPFL, CH. 2021.

Geodetic mass balance reconstruction of the Thomson Glacier on Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic. Master thesis by Andreas Ganter, University of Zurich & Quenn's University, CH & CA. 2020.

Was sind die Folgen der zunehmenden Gletscherschmelze für die Wasserkraftwerke und den Tourismus und wie nehmen verschiedene Stakeholder die daraus resultierenden Veränderungen in der Ästhetik der Landschaft und im Abussregime wahr? Master thesis by Giulia Corbelli, University of Zurich, CH. 2020.

The Evolution of Glacier Mass Balance Gradients under the Current Climate Change - A Statistical Analysis of the WGMS Dataset. Master thesis by Alyssa Ghirlada, University of Fribourg & University of Zurich, CH. 2018.

Re-Analyse der Massenbilanz eines Referenzgletschers in Kasachstan. Master thesis by Fabienne Maag, University of Zurich, CH. 2017.

Wandernde Blöcke - Ein Vergleich von Gletschertischbewegungen in den Schweizer Alpen. Master thesis by Lea Schwendener, University of Zurich, CH. 2017.

Using Google Earth Engine for Global Glacier Change Assessment. Master thesis by Noah Zeltner, University of Zurich, CH. 2017.

Glacier inventory of the Antarctic Peninsula: a reassessment of available datasets. Master thesis by Jacqueline Huber, University of Zurich, CH. 2016.

Volume changes of Oberaargletscher since 1850 based on historical and modern geodetic survey methods (including a new survey using an unmanned aerial vehicle). Master thesis by Annette Ramp, University of Zurich, CH. 2016.

Evaluation of swissALTI3D with airborne laser scanning data for applications in glaciology. Master thesis by Thierry Bossard, University of Zurich, CH, and the Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo. 2014.

Ice thickness analysis of ice caps in the Canadian Arctic based on Operation IceBridge radar data. Master thesis by Thomas Knecht, University of Zurich, CH, and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, DN. 2014.

Investigations of state and changes in drainage system, thermal structure and dynamics of Tellbreen, a High Arctic glacier on Svalbard, using glacio-speleology. Master thesis by Kathrin Naegeli, University of Zurich, CH, and The University Centre in Svalbard, NO. 2013.

Untersuchung dekadischer Gletschervolumenänderungen im Langtang, Nepal. Master thesis by Julian Lindenmann. University of Zurich, CH. 2012.

Raum-zeitlicher Vergleich von geodätischen Massenbilanzmessungen anhand zweier Gletscherinventare. Master thesis by Deborah Raulin, University of Mainz, DE. 2011.

Volumenänderungen am Storglaciären. Photogrammetrische Auswertung von Luftbildern zur Analyse von glaziologischen Prozessen im Tarfala Tal, Schweden. Diploma thesis by Thomas Koblet. University of Zurich, University of Stockholm. 2009.

Dokumentation weltweiter historischer Gletscherkatastrophen. GIS-basierte Inventarisierung, Web-Aufbereitung und Analyse der Ereignisse. Diploma thesis by Melanie Flubacher. University of Zurich, University of Oslo. 2007.

Längenänderungsmessungen an ausgewählten Gletschern der Schweizer Alpen unter Verwendung von GIS. Diploma thesis by Stefan Kappeler. University of Zurich. 2006.

Aufbau eines Gletscherinventars für Kolumbien und Abschätzung glaziologischer Parameter. Master thesis by Sabine Baumann. University of Zurich, TU Munich. 2006.

Bachelor theses

Assessment of the viability of worldwide application of the WSL Monoplotting Tool in reconstruction of past glacier stands. A set of trials using historical images of the Goldbergkees glacier (Austria) dating back to 1969. Bachelor thesis by Iris Hansche, Dept. Geography and Regional Studies, Alpen Adria University, Klagenfurt, AT. 2017.

Wissensfortschritt zur Verbreitung und Änderung der Gletscher - Eine Rezension der IPCC Assessment Reports. Bachelor thesis by Rebecca Meier, University of Zurich, CH. 2014.

Geodätische Messungen der Dicken- und Volumenänderung von Gletschern. Bachelor thesis by Noah Zeltner, University of Zurich, CH. 2013.

Stand des Wissens zur Verbreitung und Änderung der Gletscher und Eiskappen - Eine Rezension der vier IPCC Assessment Reports. Bachelor thesis by Irina Placereani, University of Zurich, CH. 2011.

Gletscheränderungen im Hindu Kush-Himalaya seit dem Ende der Kleinen Eiszeit. Bachelor thesis by Daniel Furrer, University of Zurich, CH. 2010.

Holozäne Gletscherhochstände in den verschiedenen Gebirgsregionen der Erde. Bachelor thesis by Roman Lauer, University of Zurich, CH. 2008.

"State of Fear" [by Michael Crichton] - fact or fiction? Eine wissenschaftliche Beurteilung der Zitate zu Temperaturänderungen. Bachelor thesis by Antonia Zinnenlauf, University of Zurich, CH. 2007.

"State of Fear" [by Michael Crichton] - fact or fiction? Eine wissenschaftliche Beurteilung der Zitate zu Gletscheränderungen. Bachelor thesis by Philippe Wäger, University of Zurich, CH. 2006.


  last change 8 Feb 2022, mze