Publications of Hongbo Sun


Publications of Hongbo Sun

Conference articles

  1. Hai-ping Hou, Chang-wen Qu, Han-bing Sun, and Ru-gang Song. Research on FMCW SAR signal characteristic and improved azimuth matched filtering algorithm. In Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 290-293, Oct. 2009. Keyword(s): Azimuth, Bandwidth, Filtering algorithms, Frequency conversion, Interpolation, Layout, Matched filters, Radar polarimetry, Signal analysis, Signal processing, CW radar, FM radar, radar signal processing, FMCW SAR signal characteristic, frequency modulated continuous wave SAR, improved azimuth matched filtering algorithm, range Doppler algorithm, scene range cell covering algorithm, FMCW SAR, RDA, azimuth matched filtering, signal characteristic analysis;.

  2. Yibo Na, Hongbo Sun, Yee Hui Lee, Ling Chiat Tai, and Hian Lim Chan. Performance evaluation of back-projection and range migration algorithms in foliage penetration radar imaging. In Image Processing, 2004. ICIP '04. 2004 International Conference on, volume 1, pages 21-24, 2004. ISSN: 1522-4880. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Backprojection, omega-k, Comimage reconstruction, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, FOPEN SAR imaging, back-projection algorithm, computer-aided tomography, foliage penetration radar imaging, image reconstruction, range migration algorithm, seismic migration techniques, synthetic aperture radar.



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