Publications of Xiaotao Huang


Publications of Xiaotao Huang

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Daoxiang An, Xiaotao Huang, Tian Jin, and Zhimin Zhou. Extended Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm for High-Resolution Highly Squint SAR Data Focusing. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 50(9):3595-3609, Sept. 2012. ISSN: 0196-2892. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, geophysical techniques, image registration, synthetic aperture radar, 2-D frequency domain, 2-D spectrum, ANLCS operation, ENLCS algorithm, SAR data focusing, applied azimuth frequency modulation rate, bulk second range compression, extended nonlinear chirp scaling algorithm, fast Fourier transform, highly squint angle, image misregistration, modified azimuth NLCS, radar techniques, range cell migration, range-azimuth coupling, Azimuth, Chirp, Couplings, Focusing, Frequency domain analysis, Frequency modulation, Highly squint angle, linear range walk correction (LRWC), nonlinear chirp scaling (NLCS), synthetic aperture radar (SAR).

  2. Daoxiang An, Xiaotao Huang, Tian Jin, and Zhimin Zhou. Extended Two-Step Focusing Approach for Squinted Spotlight SAR Imaging. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 50(7):2889-2900, July 2012. ISSN: 0196-2892. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, SAR imaging model, Stolt-based technique, azimuth coarse focusing, extended two-step focusing approach, nonlinear shift preprocessing method, preprocessed echo data, squint angle, squinted spotlight SAR data, squinted spotlight SAR imaging, synthetic aperture radar, Apertures, Azimuth, Bandwidth, Doppler effect, Focusing, Frequency domain analysis, Wrapping, Deramping-based technique, squinted spotlight synthetic aperture radar (SAR), subscene processing.

  3. Xiaotao Huang and Diannong Liang. Gradual RELAX Algorithm for RFI Suppression in UWB-SAR. Electronics Letters, 35(22):1916-1917, October 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Gradual RELAX Algorithm.

Conference articles

  1. Xiaotao Huang, Zhimin Zhou, and Diannong Liang. Effects of RFI on UWB-SAR Using LFM Waveforms. In CIE International Conference on Radar, 2001, pages 631-633, October 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Ultra-Wideband SAR, VHF SAR.

  2. Shunhua Wang and Xiaotao Huang. Autofocus techniques for reducing phase errors in UWB-SAR. In IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, NAECON 1997, volume 2, pages 1009-1014, July 1997. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Autofocus, Phase Gradient Autofocus, PGA, Residual Motion Errors, UWB SAR.



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