Publications of Olaf Hellwich


Publications of Olaf Hellwich

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Esra Erten, Andreas Reigber, Olaf Hellwich, and Pau Prats. Glacier Velocity Monitoring by Maximum Likelihood Texture Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47(2):394-405, Feb. 2009. ISSN: 0196-2892. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, glaciology, hydrological techniques, image processing, maximum likelihood estimation, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, Asia, ENVISAT-ASAR data acquisition, Inyltshik glacier, Kyrgyzstan, Maximum Likelihood Texture Tracking, alpine glacier systems, classical intensity tracking technique, glacier velocities measurement, glacier velocity monitoring, ice flows, intensity-based matching algorithm, melting, multiplicative speckle/noise model, remotely sensed data, signal-to-noise ratio, snowfall, spatial dynamics, speckle decorrelation, statistical description, synthetic aperture radar data, temporal dynamics, temporal speckle structure, tracking algorithm.



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