=== readme version 1.0, 25 Feb 2012 === This file documents the binary data made avaialbe together with the Global Permafrost Zonation Map published in the reference given below. Please make sure you understand the limitation of this data as outlined in that paper befor you use it. Data link: http://www.geo.uzh.ch/microsite/cryodata/pf_global/ === REFERENCE ==== The derivation of tthis data is described and referenced in detail here: Gruber, S. 2012: Derivation and analysis of a high-resolution estimate of global permafrost zonation, The Cryosphere, 6, 221-233. doi:10.5194/tc-6-221-2012. Publication link: http://www.the-cryosphere.net/6/221/ === RAW FILES ==== The files described here are 32-bit floating point binaries that cover the entire globe north of 60 degrees South and have a grid spacing of 30 arc-senconds latitude and longitude, WGS 1984. For each data layer, one data file (*.flt) of about 3.1 GB size and one very small header file (*.hdr) as shown below. --- Permafrost Zonation Index --- PZI.flt (3.1 GB) Terrain Ruggedness Index PZI.hdr (0.2 KB) Header file The PZI is scaled from 0.1 to 1.0. The fringe of uncertainty has a uniform value of 0.01, the background value is 0. --- Terrain ruggedness --- ruggedness.flt (3.1 GB) Terrain Ruggedness Index ruggedness.hdr (0.2 KB) Header file --- Air temperature --- MAAT_MEAN.flt (3.1 GB) MAAT average on CRU TS2.0 and NCEP/NCAR and SRTM30 MAAT_MEAN.hdr (0.2 KB) Header file MAAT_CRU30.flt (3.1 GB) MAAT based on CRU TS2.0 and SRTM30 MAAT_CRU30.hdr (0.2 KB) Header file MAAT_NCEP30.flt (3.1 GB) MAAT based on NCEP/NCAR TS2.0 and SRTM30 MAAT_NCEP30.hdr (0.2 KB) Header file --- Headers --- ncols 43200 nrows 18000 xllcorner -180.000000 yllcorner -60.0000000 cellsize 0.008333333 NODATA_value -9999 byteorder LSBFIRST+ === HOW TO READ THIS DATA ==== Here are some sample instruction how this data can be read. - In ArcGIS interactively * Arc Toolbox -> Conversion Tools -> To Raster -> Float to Raster * Arc Toolbox -> Data Management Tools -> Projections and Transformations -> Define Projection Then select projection :Define Coordinate System -> Select -> Geographic Coordinate Systems -> World -> WGS 1984.prj - In ArcGIS scripting example: FloatToRaster_conversion H:\ruggedness.flt H:\permafrost.gdb\ruggedness DefineProjection_management H:\permafrost.gdb\ruggedness GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984', DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]], PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]] - With IDL ruggedness=rgridfloat("H:\ruggedness.flt",header=header) The function rgridfloat is also available for download with this data in pre-compiled format (rgridfloat.sav). To obtain help on this type a=rgridfloat() at the IDL prompt. IDL function: www.geo.uzh.ch/microsite/cryodata/pf_global/rgridfloat.sav - With ENVI File -> Open Image File Then, use these setting in the f Samples: 43200, Lines: 18000, Bands: 1 File TYpe: ENVI Standard, Byte Order: Intel Data Type: Floating Point, Interleave: BSQ === DATA SOURCE ==== This data is available in differing formats: - Web Mapping Service - KMZ file for Google Earth - Raw binary data Find more details here: www.geo.uzh.ch/microsite/cryodata/pf_global/ === DISCLAIMER ==== The data are provided "as is" and University of Zurich makes no representations or warranties, express or implied. By way of example, but without limitation, University of Zurich makes no representations or warranties of merchantibily or tness for any particular purpose or that the data will meet your requirements or that the use of the data or documentation will not infringe any third party's patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights. Furthermore, University of Zurich does not warrant or make any representations regarding use of the data in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise or that defects in the data will be corrected. University of Zurich will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by any third party, arising from the use of the data.