Dynamic mountain climate

Alpine climates across the globe have common (atmospheric pressure and temperature) and different (other climate components) characteristics. The climate reported from weather stations deviates substantially from the climate plants, animals and microbes experience in alpine ecosystems. We will demonstrate how relief, exposure and type of ground cover (plant life form) modify the actual climatic conditions. These modifications control plant distribution, plant functioning and ecosystem stability. Special reference will be made to temperature regimes. Students will also learn some basic rules and techniques of how to obtain climatic data with simple devices. Links are provided to actual weather stations and real time "visits" to alpine field sites will be implemented (webcam).

Crocus albiflorus Loiseleuria procumbens Review test Conclusions Cushion plants Rosette plants Life form & temperature Methods Growth form & microclimate Exposure and topography Common characteristics Wind Snow Start Learning objectives Solar radiation Microclimate Water Macroclimate
Lesson 02 navigation chart


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29 August 2011
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